Shawn Winsor


Formal Education

PhD Candidate (Health Policy)
McMaster University (Dept of Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics)
Dissertation Title: Bioethical analysis and scholarship in the health technology assessment of assisted reproductive technologies: coherence and disjunction
Supervisor: Professor Lisa Schwartz
2003Master of Health Science (Bioethics)
University of Toronto (Institute for Medical Science)
2001Certificate in Advanced Mediation
York University (Osgoode Hall), Toronto
1991Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
University of Toronto

Employment History

2002-presentEthics and Health Policy Consultant
Consultation: Provide clinical, research, and organizational ethics guidance and decision support to patients, clinicians, patients, and organizations across North America (clients included: Canadian Medical Association, The Fertility Partners, Trio Fertility, One Fertility, Spectrum Health, California Cryobank); Policy: develop policy instruments for institutions, associations, and governments; recent examples include: Health Equity Framework and Decision Tool, e-health governance statement (Canadian Medical Association); Ontario Decision Framework (Ontario Ministry of Health); Mosaic Screening and Selection Policy (Trio Fertility – Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society); Program development: implementation team for Ontario’s fetal RhD genotyping program (Fetal RhD Genotyping Task Force); developed ethics programs for clients that include: Credit Valley, Southlake, and York Central hospitals; Mississauga and South East Local Health Integration Networks; The Fertility Partners, Trio Fertility and The Reproductive Care Centre. Health Technology Assessment: Member, Ontario Genetics Advisory Committee of the Ontario Health Technology Advisory Committee (OHTAC), Ontario Health; Co-writer systematic reviews and qualitative metasyntheses for OHTAC; Co-developer Ontario Decision Framework for OHTAC; Protocol reviewer Public Health Agency of Canada (Screening for Fetal Aneuploidy)
2009-2010Director, Ethics Centre 
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, and University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics
Accountabilities: Led team of clinical ethicists at Canada’s largest single-site hospital ethics program; conducted complex ethics and organizational consultations in all hospital programs.
2004-2009Director, Regional Bioethics Service 
Trillium Health Partners, Mississauga and Toronto, and University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics
Accountabilities: Co-developed and led Ethics Program at Trillium Health Centre, and developed and led the Regional Bioethics Service in the Mississauga-Halton Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) to provide bioethics services and resources through a flexible and affordable funding structure to all health and community service providers in the LHIN, including hospitals and historically underserviced areas (e.g., community agencies, public health, long-term care centres).

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